Used machines
- Sold only to tradesmen
- The sale is exclusiv any warrenty
- Subject to prior sale
- The sale is exclusiv any warrenty.
- For more used machines use the “Inquire now” button

- Manufacturer TEUPEN
- Type LEO31T
- Serial No. 10001153
- Construction year 2017
- Hours approx. 4100
- Drive via Diesel + 230 V
- Annual inspection new
- Available from directly

- Manufacturer TEUPEN
- Type LEO31T
- Serial No. 10001856
- Construction year 2018
- Hours 3568
- Drive via Diesel + 230V
- Annual inspection N/A
- Available from Arrangement

Fuso Canter
- Model Fuso Canter
- Type 7C15
- Registration date 02/2016
- Engine 110 kW (150 HP)
- Gearing mechanism Manual transmission
- Fuek Diesel
- Gross vehicle weight 7490 kg
- Payload approx. 4550 kilo +/- 2%